The six comrades stood overlooking the sun drenched shores of Dorathea, one in particular who was more nervous than the others, Bandit, never dived this quarry. Even though he was nervous he never showed it, the twinkle was still in his eye and the back slapping was still going on as they made their way down the slight gradiant towards the still clear water.
Bandit had'nt even broken into a sweat by the time they had reached the water. He slipped into the water next to Geoff and waited for Tom, Jim,Kirk and JC (john Collins), who were taking their time as they had struggled in the heat. Across the water they all glided, still cracking jokes and having a jolly old joke at Jim's expense.
Soon It got serious as the gang stopped and prepared themselves to dive into the depths of the quarry, gracefully as one they sank under the water, down and down they all went following the cable that sank into the unknown. At 24 meters they all landed, Tom counted the divers, all was well, Bandit looked towards Geoff, Geoff looked up to see Kirk and Jim signalling that all was well. With a swift kick of his manly legs Bandit was off following Tom and JC towards the the tunnel, Geoff as always, on his shoulder, one by one they went through, turning right as they came out they then followed the steep bank, down, down, down, down, down.............suddenly Geoff heard an alarm, then another, he looked at Bandit who was concentrating that much he had'nt realised it was his computer. Bandit looked around, Kirk, Jim, JC and Tom were below him, he glanced at his computer and a sudden realisation dawned on him, he stopped to double check, there he was with the gang looking into a bath tub at 50 meters and there was best buddy with his rubber duck having a bath, waving at everyone. We looked around at each other then looked back ,he was gone.........Geoff and I looked behind us just in case he was about to grab us from behind ,like he did last time!!!! Geoff and Bandit Shrugged, they then all made their way towards the scree.
All too soon, we made our way back up the slope to 24 meters to do a deco stop, then again at 12 meters and last but not least 5 meters. We were soon on the surface making our way back to land, laughing and joking at what we had seen in the depths of Dotty, every one of us had been narked to some extent, It was easy to understand the calling to go deeper, but true to form, best buddy was there having a bath, there again, realisation of how narked you are pulls you back to reality and takes over.
Once out of the water, the six comrades fully kitted and weighed down with dripping water jogged back up the slight incline, Bandit as usual being the fittest got to the top first with Tom just behind, the rest followed sweating and jovially cursing the small walk back up to the cars, de-kitted and talked about the experiances of being so deep, 50 meters is deep.
A SERIOUS BIT> First time at Dotty and Bandit did a 47 meter dive I enjoyed it but I was really Narked to the point of panic, thats what I get I suppose when I dive on 24 percent nitrox, Its good to know your limits, Its also good to know that I can keep control in extreme circumstances knowing there are experianced people around you if things go wrong. It was a good dive and a great experiance, Thanks Lads.
47 metres on nitrox 24, that's ((47+10)/10)*0.24 = O2 pp of 1.37 so you were just on the limit for max depth (1.4) I'm sure you planned it! Still 47 metres, you BSAC or something?
Seriously though, should you be going that deep, what happened to "plan your dive, dive your plan".
Suppose you got an O2 toxicity hit with convulsions and spat out your reg, do you think any of your narked buddies would have been able to help you, or would they have waited for Good Buddy to get out of his bath and save you!
Did you really know your limits or were you pushing them (what nitrox mix were the others on, or was that what Geoffs alarm was)?
All were on air, Geoff's alarm had gone the same as mine because they had been set to 40 mtres, and no we were not pushing limits as Tom had previously worked out the limits also stops required. As for the convulsions I suppose that could happen to anyone unfortunately at any time. Diving dont forget IS a Risky pastime........
To the best of my knowledge, Bandit was the only one diving Nitrox and his dive depth was within the limit.
Was I narked -Damn right I was, I stayed with my Buddy, Bandit, and couldn't go past Scub's depth, that enough to get anyone narked !!
Should I have gone that deep ? Life is too short and for living. It could be argued that it was a training dive now that "The One" is a qualified BSICK instructor (or some such title), but it sure was a great dive - and to see Best Buddy standing in the shower playing an accordion at 50m was a once in a lifetime experience.