Booked for Sunday 11th March. £16.50 ish per head to include first 100 balls. Meet at McDonalds East Lancs Rd at 8.00 AM ready for a 9.00 start. See for location. Anyone is welcome on this so even if you have not expressed interest but feel like coming along to be shot at please do so. Those that are "dead certs" please let me have payment at Leasowe on the 7th.
Had a smashing day out!! The weather was lovely, the mud was thick and gloopy. As ever, there were many there who had never seen the great outdoors and attempted in vain to try and keep their designer trainers smart and clean. Didn't work!!!
This time there were firecrackers, smoke bombs and hand grenades on offers and The Lads armed themselves to the teeth with bits and pieces that they could throw at the other side !!
Injuries were sustained , which was expected really, but I think some of the 'small people' came off considerably worse than those with age and experience on their side !!!
Many thanks to Leaky for arranging it all and also to Scubaone who set up his own discount arsenal.
Until the next time - KT
I can absolutely, definitely, 100% guarantee that no animals were harmed by submitting this posting! Maybe.