It was a bright sunny day, vet had already shown his great nav skills before he was even wet, straight past the turnoff on the M6........
Once in the car park the three MSD's surveyed the long lost Delph, everyone stopped and watched them, who were these three intrepid strangers, whispers started to abound our three muskateers............'Its them, Its really them'...!!!!!!!!! As they walked to the pay booth a little boy ran up and said ' are you THE MSD's ?? Bandit broke into a huge grin, the sun glinted off his white teeth, the little boy ran back to his family shouting 'IT is them I have seen the MSD's, when I grow up I want to be just like them'.
They donned their dry suits and checked their gear, once all the buddy checks had been completed they slipped (Bandit fell actually) into the water like three otters. Vet had his full face on, (when clear it was quite scary, Gimp mask comes to mind). Dave the renegade left a swirl of dust on the water, it did'nt make that much differnce to the viz anyway, 2 to 3 meters, excellent for the Delph.
Once under water Bandits nav skills kicked in, Van, armoured car, boat, Plane, to the cliff, up to the knome garden, through the shallow bit and then dropped down onto the racing car............What skills, both Vet and Dave staying close, undeterred by the visibility, they all surfaced TOGETHER.
All that were watching on the surface were awestruck, never has it been known at the Delph for divers to Descend together, stay together AND to surface together.
Everyone cheered as they manfully walked back to dry land,the sun glinted off their manly torso's. The little boy asked his father why cant you be an MSD like them??? His father answered in great awe, you need great all round skills my son, to aspire to there level.