Following Bandit and Vet's excursion to the other side of the Loch, we are looking for suggestions as to what those coveted initials actually stand for, my suggestion is:
Masterly Shambolic Display - mainly in reference to navigation!!
However if I was an MSD (a qualification I bypassed in pursuit of true recognition from my professional colleagues!!) MSD would stand for Motor Shocked Divegear!!!
Must Show Determination to compete against other disciplines within the club. You know, whether it's 10 metres or 42 metres, it's still diving to us DMs!
Mad Sad n Deluded
See you in Lidl! KT!!
I can absolutely, definitely, 100% guarantee that no animals were harmed by submitting this posting! Maybe.
As a fully fledged M> S> D. I will not rise to these trivial non entities . As a Further, Longer, Deeper diver in our defence, Vet and I were actually having fun at depth .
Couldn't help thinking of the Egyptian Master Scuba Diver we came across last year, Mustafa SensaDirection. Vet and Bandit could have done with a few tips from him!