The Rufty Tuffty club honoured ( not to be confused with any other honours this time of year) two more of the group, and welcomed them in to the ranks of the Ruffty Tufftys. We had to keep a close eye on them in the deeper parts and their navigation skills, though slightly suspect, were almost as good as an MSD.
Pictured are:
LEAKski - suffering "sore tum tum", brought on by traumatic recollections of the Christmas dance with a Russian shot putter.
KTski - suffering the normal hangover brought on by the side effects of a gin bottle (it ran empty!)
VETski - one good foot (but that's another story !)
BANDITski - Short of breath
Not phased by illness nor injury, the four (plus surface cover from Jenny) went for the post Christmas splash about - BUT can anyone guess where we went as no one else seemed to be able to find it ??????
Great picture's Vet, damn fine looking chap second from left on the first photo. Again, the two most hardened divers of the club ventured into the cold depths of Stoney, welcoming the only other TWO (where were the others?????????) Rufty tuffty's into our ranks. As Vet stated, we kept an eye on their Nav and depth skills and I even threw in a near out of air test for KT and Leaky. I was most impressed with KT's skill in this scenario, she stayed close to me at all times, supplied me with her emergency regulator, whilst Leaky deployed the SMB.
An excellent day out with excellent buddies and Jen the surface cover.