Large: I am 6'2" and weigh, sadly, about 95Kg (he who throws the first stone beware!) Boot size is 9 to 9 1/2. The boots fitted are non standard and very protective/sturdy. This is a membrane suit and has given me about a year of dry diving. It will come with bag (with unused patches) and hose, has autodump, factory fitted on left shoulder and good seals. This was bought new from Wirral Sports in Birkenhead and is currently on the rack there. If you are interested, please take the opportunity to try it on. This suit is in A1 condition and has had good care taken of it. There is no advantage to be gained by not purchasing from Wirral Sports as they are selling the suit at my asking price. The only reason that I am changing it is that I would like to try a neoprene suit for comparison. Maybe I will regret parting with it!
For those newly qualified divers that are often concerned about buoyant feet, please note that the boots that have been fitted are slightly heavier than usual so ankle weights are very unlikely to be necessary with this suit. For more experienced divers, clamouring over rocks is no problem underfoot as the boots offer great protection.
Price: £250 (make me an offer bearing in mind lower end new dry suits start at around £400)