John and I were at Dorothea yesterday with AOW students, Mark and Greg plus Ben who was along for fun. We saw an absolutely massive golden Carp. No, Vet and Bandit we were not narced although we did get down to 30 metres. We also did 2 dives which meant doing the walk of death twice. A great way to keep fit. I think the Carp is going to be a massive tourist attraction so next time we are going I'll let you know. Who needs Sharm?
Sounds like a definate narcosis trip to me Trigsy old chum.
Possibly, the carp was introduced by a fisherman, chances are more will be stolen from other carp waters to top up this quarry in the future. It does happen, Dotty is not owned by anyone at the moment so unscrupulous people who dont care about the environment and the effects of fish disease's dont travel too far to catch big fish. This is how populations of fish get wiped out, watch out for fishing line and hooks in the future next time you dive Dotty, take a knife just in case.