Met at Bangor services, eventually everybody turned up (even those who slept in)
Got to Dorothea and the weather was lovely, sun and no wind..
Used a 7mm semi (as I dont feel the cold) but was advised by both Tom and John to use a hood and gloves and I'm glad I did. Although at 24m it got to 7 degrees the only things cold where my toes and thumbs, everywhere else was lovely and warm.
Buddied with Errol, many thanks Errol. Dorothea has a bad name if you disrespect it and I can understand buddying with a newbie may be a daunting task (although I now have 18 dives under my belt woopwhoo - dont worry I'm not getting ****y, I still am treating every dive with respect and will continue to do so)
Also to John and Tom who again showed confidence in my ability by agreeing to let me tag along.
Well done to Andy and Katie for a good dive too. Although Kates buddy was "very thorough" wasnt he Jim...