Reckon i need to tell members how i came about my user name.......What do you think?
Shall i just keep em guessing!!!!
For those of you that did not go on the Dunoon trip.... would that be you John no i mean Steve!!!!! No i mean Mac!! you can ask Trig if he wishes to divulge such info
Anyway i think too many people make fun of you, Arial and myself think your triff and brill
Well! I don't believe it! That's the first nice message I've ever had on this site. Thank you very much. Just watch the abuse that will now follow from the bullies.
They must not know how you got your name. It'll drive them crackers trying to work it out, especially because I know and for that I'll get more nasty comments.
I got into the site ok but I couldn't open any pictures. If you are going to the Delph on Sunday you can tell me then how to do it. I did the obvious things but the pictures just would not appear.
I think you and Arial are great too.
If anybody else would like to send me a happy message, please do so.
By the way I bumped into an old friend the other day. Many of you will remember Best Buddy. He sends his felicitations and said that he will soon update us on his exploits, via Ya Old Dive Tales part of the Forum
All of the times that I've gone out of my way to compliment you on all things - choice of Zimmer frame, going to Spec Savers, etc yet all now seems forgotten !!
Still, I am glad to see that you have two new carers, they seem such nice nurses !!
Nice Messages???!!! Well that won't last long, will it?! You wait, he'll start playing tricks and pranks on you two, too, Wot a catch and Arial, and then you'll think differently!!
I managed to access your website and photos with considerable ease and thought they were smashing! Loved the comments too - it was just like reliving the moments all over again.
See you Sunday when some us will get more wet than others
I can absolutely, definitely, 100% guarantee that no animals were harmed by submitting this posting! Maybe.