There we were, the two most experianced MSD's in the club, standing, as all true Rufty's stand. A glint in the eye, a knowing, full manly smile on their handsome rugged faces looking forward to the dive ahead. As the other divers kitted up occasionally looking towards them, envious of their manly stance's, the two MSD divers threw on their kit, buddy checked and strode forward with a purpose towards the water slapping each other in that manly male bonding way.
Once in the water they waited for quite some time for the others to catch up, especially for that old wise cracking fishytrig, he had to get some one to carry his gear down to the water's edge, inflate it, so that he could put it on. The two MSD's just chuckled to themselves, taking it all in their stride.
Down they all went, the two chums as one, in unison, together........They made sure everyone was ok, including old Trigger. They all hung about waiting until trigfish was happy and then they all moved off into the depths. The two comrades leading the way (as usual) went down to 35 metres (as usual), not like these divemasters and instructors who only hit 10 mtrs for 10 minutes.
There we were, hunting in the silt for the deepest bit, laughing and giggling like two kids, the others had stayed at 30 mtrs cause it was too wet and cold to go any deeper. Suddenly we were grabbed from behind, we turned to see poor old fishnet asking us to go with him, we did this of course, we thought he was lost and needed our guidance and experiance to show him the way back. As we were taking trignet back up to the surface, Best Buddy appeared to us, floating in that mysterious way of his, his arm reaching up into the clear blue waters, showing freshtrig the way.
Once we were on the surface, trigfish looked at us and said why ar'nt you jane? We knew he had suffered with memory loss, but to forget what a girl looks like.........
We helped him out of the water, I took his fins off and led him to the steps so that he could get out safely, being an MSD, we know the safety of older divers is paramount.
So there you have it, best buddy did show up to help poor old fishytrig, we were not narcked as people may think, we were just having fun being MSD chums at the bottom of Coveyston.