Portland, Bandit returns.
Seven brave divers started on the dangerous and perilous journey to Portland, alas.............only one made it, Bandit!!!!!!!! Proudly he stood looking out to sea, triumphant at beating all the odds stacked against him. Scimitar was berthed at the quayside, kit loaded, kettle whistling the...
Thank-you Im here all week...............
In days of old, When divers were cold, Before dry suits were invented. The best latrine was neoprene, Especially if it was rented.
Ras Umm Sid, Egypt
As our hero stood in the blazing sun, looking into the wide blue sea, (red sea). He looked to his left and smiled at his woman, all of a sudden a shadow passed over them, they squinted into the sun at the figure stood before them............Is that you best buddy asked Bandit? It is I said Sinai Diving sta...
Dotty at Depth
The six comrades stood overlooking the sun drenched shores of Dorathea, one in particular who was more nervous than the others, Bandit, never dived this quarry. Even though he was nervous he never showed it, the twinkle was still in his eye and the back slapping was still going on as they made their wa...
Best Buddy still in bed!
Whilst best buddy and most of the rest of the club were sleeping in their pits, Dr Del and Scuba Steve were ploughing their way Northwards for a great day's diving at Capernwray.
On arrival a Capernwray our two giants of diving (well perhaps not Steve) donned their kit and were quickly in the water,...
Dr Del
The return of Best Buddy
Best Buddy made a timely return to Coney Stove today.
Two unnamed divers, let's call them Bandido and Vindaloo, were attempting to lead a group of excellent divers when they got badly narked at 34 metres. They were in such a state that they thought they were JanSte, a fine couple who bear no res...
The Return of Best Buddy Pt 2
Where IS Best Buddy when you need him most??As most of you know, the Liverpool contingent of the club got up early and drove down to Stoney on Thursday morning. Trig was the proud owner of a brand new sat nav system, not quite a Christmas present but fresh out of the box. He was so proud of it. The fact that it...
The Truth on the Return of Best Buddy.
There we were, the two most experianced MSD's in the club, standing, as all true Rufty's stand. A glint in the eye, a knowing, full manly smile on their handsome rugged faces looking forward to the dive ahead. As the other divers kitted up occasionally looking towards them, envious of th...
Let me be the first
Thought that it was about time someone posted one here!
This isn’t exactly a dive story but it is dive related, sort of. It’s a story about triumph over adversity, it’s a story that will both inspire and sadden, and it’s a story ultimately about betrayal. It’s about a cat called Sophie.