Chesil Beach (not for the weaklings)
Portland, even the name sends shivers up the spine........!!!! Bandit took 5 hours to drive there, couldnt come quick enough, once he arrived his buddy Rob the lobster hunter gave him the bad news, all boat dives along the dreaded shambles has been blown out. Bandit looked at the twinkle in Robs eyes...
Anybody dived Jeddah?
Oh yes me and it was awesome, viz better than Sharm and more to see. Tried a couple of operators but Desert Sea Divers where top quality and value for money, 2 deck dive boat, 3 dives tanks and weights and as much food and drink (non alcoholic) as you can drink. All this for 300 rials (thats about £50) for a f...
Portland, Nearly Time...........
Standing at the side of the pool, our hero Bandit looked on as the trainees were put through their paces by Nick, Gill, Tom and Paul. He smiled to himself, thinking back to the time he trained all those moons ago he had discovered once submerged in the water an affinity with everything around him. The tra...
Portland, Another Journey.
The excitement mounts as another trip beckons our Hero Bandit, the cold months are almost over, the snow and ice have given up their grip for another Winter. Bandit opens the garage door, steps in and reaches for his dive bag. Once all the items are removed he inspects everything Carefully, looking fo...
Night Dive at the Delph
Had a fabulous night dive in the Delph. Just 7 of us in the water, clear as clear could be. A very enjoyable dive!! For Richie and Shaun, it was a first and for all of us it was a gentle relaxing dive in visibilty of at least 10 m, possibly more. We went down to the back of the boat and right underneath the bow to f...
Katie Current
St. Lucia, The Divers Delight.
Bandit the adventurer stood at the back of the boat as it skipped across the flat calm waters of the Carribean, he had just checked his equipment before the guide had everyone gather around him. Knowing there was a skilled diver aboard he asked Bandit if he would like to take the session, Bandit decline...
Egypt.......MSD style 2010
The men and Ged stood on the Quay in anticipation of the dives to come. Bandit stood in that manly stance only he could do, the sun glinting off his manly torso. This is it boys he said as they were led onto the dive boat, an hour or so later after the dive brief and buddy checks Bandit lept into the water as usu...
Portland, July 2009, Bandit is BACK
I stood on the deck of Scimitar, gazing out to sea, as the hull of the boat skippied over the waves. In the distance, a point too far to see was a bouy, under that bouy the Van Opstel at 30 meters, a wreck torpedoed by those pesky Germans in the second worl war. All too soon Rob and I kitted up, did our checks and...
Portland 2009 We're Back!!!!!!!!!
We stood in that manly MSD pose looking out to sea as Scimitar skimmed across the flat surface, windless Deep blue skies ahead, Rob the Lob, Vet and Bandit (our Two heroes) smiled, the sun glinted off Bandit's teeth, Vet hands on hips said 'This is what its all about............'!!!! Kitted up and wa...
Delph with the MSD's
It was a bright sunny day, vet had already shown his great nav skills before he was even wet, straight past the turnoff on the M6........ Once in the car park the three MSD's surveyed the long lost Delph, everyone stopped and watched them, who were these three intrepid strangers, whispers started to ab...
Dorothea 14/9/08
Met at Bangor services, eventually everybody turned up (even those who slept in)
Got to Dorothea and the weather was lovely, sun and no wind..
Used a 7mm semi (as I dont feel the cold) but was advised by both Tom and John to use a hood and gloves and I'm glad I did. Although at 24m it got to 7 degrees the on...
Capernwray 24/8/08, Rufty tufties do it naked!
Yes the rufty tufties do it naked; well at least our extremities. The water was a balmy 18 degrees, we all went hood and glove-less, Kirk had even had a semi on (fnarr fnarr as Finbar Saunders would say, the old ones are the best!)! Two good dives (only one in Bandit's case if Mrs Bandit is reading this, hon...
Dr Del
Portland, Bandit returns AGAIN!!
There he was standing in that manly manner all have come to admire. Bandit, MSD extraordinaire and Portland veteran. Kit on his back surveying Chesil beach with the waves crashing in just after high tide, 'come on Rob' Bandit shouted, he was itching to get wet. The hardened heroe's strode across t...
Fish in Dorothea
John and I were at Dorothea yesterday with AOW students, Mark and Greg plus Ben who was along for fun. We saw an absolutely massive golden Carp. No, Vet and Bandit we were not narced although we did get down to 30 metres. We also did 2 dives which meant doing the walk of death twice. A great way to keep fit. I...
Capernwray 25/5/08
Great day's diving and the usual dodgy navigating! must have seen everything in Capernwray except the new boat (which is what we were looking for!). Kirk had a Semi (wonder who he was thinking about!), brave lad as it was only 14 degrees! On first dive we all decended near to Gypsy Moth and then went if 3 d...
Dr Del
Chepstow, National Dive Centre. 27th March 2008
Vet and Bandit surveyed the New waters, the sun glinted down onto their manly torso's. 80mtrs max depth whispered Vet in awe of what he was looking at, I know whispered Bandit, Best Buddy popped up with a smile and said.....'Never fear the water my friends, for the water will always be blue or green or .....
The Ice Dive
The sun lifted slowly, bright pink against the mist rising from the moist cold air. Birds huddled together on the branches of the frozen trees, our two brave divers stared out onto the freezing waters, Bandit pointed suddenly to a shape hovering over the water, I'm sure thats Best Buddy said Bandit, V...
MSD's Jolly to Portland
They staggered to the top of the hill, sweat dripping from their manly torso's,Vet gasping for air in the morning heat, the sun taking it's toll on our two heroe's, until Bandit turned and shouted in triumph, "Vet we've made it". They stood, feet planted firmly apart, buttock's clenche...
MSD's day out.
Bandit, Vet and Deep gathered together at the waters edge, standing in the sun's heat with their dive gear strapped to their manly bodies, they grinned at each other, Bandit turned and the sun glinted off his teeth. With a slap of his thigh he dived head first into the cool clear waters of Capernwrey. C...
Spot The Dog
Most, if not everybody, has heard the infamous yet sad story about the puppy in Egypt. And the subsequent upsetting tale about the caterpillar at the Delph. There is now a new story to be heard about a Dalmation called Spot. Honestly, it wasn't me! I never went near him. He was already looking fairly co...
Katie Current